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Abstract:  Women are amazingly adept at multi-tasking, balancing home and work and relationships, managing finances, and generally learning whatever is needed to get the job done or to take care of things. Why then do we get ourselves into avoidable legal messes? During Marilyn Barrett s more than twenty years of practicing law, she has found that women of all socioeconomic and educational levels consistently make certain mistakes that land them in an attorney s office. These legal messes can devastate them economically and emotionally, and make them desperate. This book describes - in plain, non-legalese language - the basic preventative measures women can take to avoid the following legal pitfalls when they fail to protect themselves and their children in - Legal title to property - Prenuptial agreements -Marriage and divorce - Starting and running a business -Paying taxes - Estate planning, and - Hiring attorneys. A comprehensive appendix of sample documents provides added protection. By using plain English and focusing on the general information women need to know, and telling women s stories that show how easy it is to get into a bad situation, Ms. Barrett becomes a pocket attorney for all women.

Marilyn Barrett, Just Sign Here, Honey: Women's 10 Biggest Legal Mistakes & How to Avoid Them (rev. ed. 2003).

Abstract (from Amazon Product Description): In this new revised edition of The Ten Biggest Legal Mistakes Women Can Avoid, a top woman lawyer tells all women how to use the law to their advantage. Revised and updated with a new chapter of the most often asked questions by women on their legal rights, this easy-to-read guide offers advice by a top woman lawyer on the basic preventative measures women can take to avoid legal pitfalls.

Kay Koplovitz & Peter Israel, Bold Women, Big Ideas: Learning to Play the High-Risk Entrepreneurial Game (2004).

Abstract (from Library Journal): An entrepreneur who founded the successful cable TV franchise USA Networks, Koplovitz later developed a nonprofit venture capital forum called Springboard, after learning that only 1.7 percent of the billions invested by venture capitalists in new businesses the previous year (1997) went to enterprises owned or led by women. In this book, she gives her expert advice on formulating a successful business plan or winning pitch and on sizing up today's investors. She uses examples of pioneering women entrepreneurs and provides inspiration and advice to anyone who wants to launch and finance a new business venture. The glossary and practical list of resources at the end of the book will help beginners get started learning about and finding venture capital.


Product Description (from Amazon):  Approximately eight million U.S businesses are currently women-owned, and the number is growing at twice the national average for all businesses. As one of the millions of aspiring female small business owners, you know that there are specific issues and questions that need to be addressed when you're setting up shop.

Dame Anita Roddick et al, Exceptional Entrepreneurship: Real-Life Lessons From Top Business Leaders (2007).

Abstract (from Amazon Product Description): Exceptional Entrepreneurship gives access to the personal stories of entrepreneurial giants in a pocketsize format. Their inspirational stories address the unique issues and obstacles that start-up businesses face, while showing the qualities needed to make a business successful. 

Russel R. Taylor, Exceptional Entrepreneurial Women: Strategies for Success (1988).

Abstract (from Amazon Product Description): Russel Taylor captures the entrepreneurial essence and risk-taking instincts that set apart the 15 women he has picked to profile in this highly enjoyable book. Executives of both sexes will find unique explanations of the success achieved by these dynamic ladies.

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