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Catherine A. Brown, Carmen H. Colborne & W. Edward McMullan, Legal Issues in New Venture Development, 3 J. Bus. Venturing 273-287 (1988).

Abstract:   Describes the results of a survey of early stage entrepreneurs who attended a New Venture Student Clinic to seek legal information and assistance for their ventures. Role that law may play in planning for business start-ups; Identification of relevant legal issues; Frequency in clients' altering or changing their business strategy as a result of new information received.

Hugh Calkins, The Case for a Legal Risk Strategy, 10 J. Bus. Strategy 42-46 (1989).

Abstract: Discusses the significance of corporate lawyers in strategic planning to prevent firms in any types of litigations in the U.S. Knowledge in federal law and procedures related to the construction of facilities; Concern for the legal problems faced by companies; Capability to handle law-based problems.

Tanya M. Marcum & Eden S. Blair, Entrepreneurial Decisions and Legal Issues in Early Venture Stages: Advice that Shouldn’t Be Ignored, 54 Bus. Horizons 153 (2011). 

Abstract: Entrepreneursmake numerous business decisions each day, many of which have significant legal implications. Due to a lack of time and knowledge, however, these entrepreneurs too often make quick decisions regarding important matters—both current and future—based on a few primary factors, one of which is cost. Entrepreneurs appear to make decisions based on concrete, but frequently inappropriate, factors such as comparison of bottom-line dollar value or relatively small fees; in this scenario, short-term decisions are made that do not take into account intricate legal and strategic implications which may arise down the road. As such, we would suggest a different approach whereby entrepreneurs take the time to learn about and understand the implications of these decisions on long-term sustainability, liability protection, and growth potential. Herein, we discuss how using cost to compare and make decisions has an impact on three issues with legal implications that occur early in the start-up process, and which pose major implications for the entrepreneur if he or she does not deal with them properly. Toward this end, we propose some solutions to help prevent this from happening.

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