Article Index


Rhonda  M. Abrams,  Hire Your First Employee: The Entrepreneurs Guide to Finding, Choosing, and Leading Great People (2010). 

Abstract: Too much work and not enough time? You are at a point in your business when you need help. Maybe an administrative assistant. Maybe a sales person. And, it's a fact: to experience meaningful growth, you will have to hire. It's a big step, but this fact-filled guide will help you take the leap. From how-to's and must-do's to checklists and legal advice, with Hire Your First Employee, you'll have what you need to build a team with confidence.


Abstract (from product description at  Enterprising individuals and business managers often feel that they need to acquire new skills and brush up on existing ones in order to achieve targets, make money and avoid making elementary mistakes.  This book provides guidance on key skills such as selling, presenting, and negotiating, and advice on developing self-confidence and learning to work creatively.  

Anita F. Brattina, Diary of a Small Business Owner: A Personal Account of How I Built a Profitable Business (1996).

Abstract (from Amazon Product Description): Anita F. Brattina chronicles the trials, tribulations and triumphs of becoming a successful entrepreneur in the re-release of her book, Diary of a Small Business Owner. Documenting the first eleven years of her business, Brattina gives the reader an insider’s view of her experiences as the founder of a start-up enterprise. She candidly reveals how her company, Direct Response Marketing, Inc., grew from potential clients listed on a writing tablet to a $1 million enterprise. The book highlights her experiences as the first business to receive a PowerLink panel and the impact that the PowerLink year had on her business operations.

Paul Burns, Entrepreneurship and Small Business: Start-Up, Growth and Maturity (3rd ed. 2010).

Abstract (from Amazon): This book examines how firms develop from start-up, both tracing growth and exploring failure. It studies entrepreneurs - what motivates them, how they manage and lead, and how certain defining characteristics they possess can help shape the businesses they run. The book also outlines good management practice for students and encourages and develops entrepreneurial skills. Clearly structured and accessibly presented, the comprehensive coverage includes accounting control and decision-making, as well as chapters on family businesses, corporate, international and social entrepreneurship. Case insights, long case studies and discussion scenarios are used to practically demonstrate how concepts are implemented in successful small and growing companies. Burns' text is ideal for undergraduates, MBA students, and students taking specialist postgraduate modules on Entrepreneurship, Enterprise, Small Business Management and New Venture Creation within business and management courses.

Nathalie Duval-Couetil, Assessing the Impact of Entrepreneurship Education Programs: Challenges and Approaches, 5 J. Small Bus. Mgmt. 394 (2013),available at

Abstract (by author): Entrepreneurship education programs are increasingly being established and expanded in an effort to equip students with the knowledge and competency necessary to create economic value and jobs. An underlying assumption of these programs is that they create positive outcomes for students; however, the extent and nature of these outcomes have not been well explored in the literature. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of contemporary trends in educational evaluation and the challenges specifically associated with the assessment of entrepreneurship education programs. It proposes practical considerations for faculty and administrators involved in developing assessment initiatives for entrepreneurship education programs, including, the importance of reaching consensus on learning outcomes, the use of a stakeholderdriven approach for setting assessment priorities, and the need to allocate resources to assessment initiatives so they can be sustained long term. It also highlights the value of involving faculty in the program evaluation process and the need to create incentives and opportunities for more assessmentrelated research and scholarship within the field. 

Patricia P. Greene & Mark P. Rice, eds, ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION (2006).

Abstract: Entrepreneurship education is expanding rapidly around the world with growth evident in terms of the number of courses, endowed chairs, and programs. Business schools have approached their participation in entrepreneurship education with a variety of pace, practice and policy.

Luz E. Herrera, Training Lawyer-Entrepreneurs, 89 Denv. U. L. Rev. 887 (2012).

Abstract (adapted from author): The Great Recession has caused many new attorneys to question their decisions to go to law school. The highly publicized decline in employment opportunities for lawyers has called into question the value of obtaining a law degree. The tightening of the economy has diminished the availability of entry-level jobs for law graduates across employment sectors. Historically, most attorneys in the United States have created their own jobs by establishing solo and small law firms. The latest ABA market research indicates that about three-fourths of all attorneys work in private practice. Of those attorneys, almost half identify as solo practitioners and approximately 14% work in small law offices with five or less lawyers. In fact, the number of lawyers in private practice working in law firms of more than 50 attorneys has never accounted for even one-fifth of the private bar. Attorney demographics confirm that the majority of lawyers in private practice are self-employed. Regardless of the large number of lawyers in solo practice, few law graduates enter the profession understanding the opportunities and challenges of starting their own law firms. The reality of self-employment has not been well-received by many new graduates. Fewer opportunities in the job market have spawned blogs, editorials, articles and letters from and about angry and greatly disappointed new lawyers who viewed law school as their ticket to a six-figure salary upon graduation, but instead found poor job prospects and student debt equivalent to a home mortgage …The future of the legal profession is uncertain. The most consistent and largest employment sector for lawyers will continue to be solo practice. If the largest segment of our law students will eventually work for themselves, then law schools should provide direction about what it means to be a self-employed lawyer. Like their predecessors, the self-employed lawyer of the twenty-first century must learn how to think like a lawyer and find a niche within the business of law. However, to make a living in an increasingly complex and competitive legal market, self-employed lawyers must also become lawyer-entrepreneurs. This Article does not offer a comprehensive understanding of the study of entrepreneurship. Nor does it engage the discussion of the tension between professionalism standards and personal gain. Instead, this piece focuses on what law schools can do to help the thousands of self-employed lawyers who must embrace entrepreneurial models to survive in a competitive market.


Robert D. Hisrich et al., Entrepreneurship (8th ed. 2010).

Abstract:  This textbook has been designed to clearly instruct students on the process of formulating, planning, and implementing a new venture. Students are exposed to detailed descriptions of 'how to' embark on a new venture in a logical manner. The text uses comprehensive cases at the end of the text to complement chapter concepts.

Colin Jones, Teaching Entrepreneurship to Undergraduates (2011).

Abstract: This book is aimed at educators. It explains not just which facets of entrepreneurship to cover in a class, but also how students learn in the classroom environment.


Abstract: Addresses microenterprise and seeks to offer guidance to lawyers who volunteer to represent microentrepreneurs and microenterprise development organizations that facilitate the development of these small businesses. The aspects covered in this manual include: how lawyers can get involved in microenterprise; guidelines on legal formation issues and business issues for microbusinesses; setting up microenterprise programs; information on organizations that support microenterprise and assistance provided by federal agencies

Donald F. Kuratko, Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process, Practice (8th ed. 2008).

Abstract: This market leader was the first of its kind to cover entrepreneurship in one entire text. Its practical step-by-step approach helps develop entrepreneurial skills.

Donald F. Kuratko & Jeffrey S. Hornsby, New Venture Management: The Entrepreneur's Roadmap (2009).

Abstract (from Amazon Product Description): This book is about effectiveness; and what a new manager needs to know to run a new venture successfully.

Law and Entrepreneurship (Robert E. Litan & Anthony J. Luppino eds., 2013).

Abstract (from publisher) The symbiosis that exists between entrepreneurship and law is of paramount importance in accommodating and advancing the freedom to innovate, as well as the need to prevent unfair and abusive activities. Seminal articles and essays reprinted in this collection examine several major subject areas of law associated with entrepreneurship, including intellectual property, restrictive covenants designed to protect proprietary information, business organizations, taxation, securities regulation and tort law. This collection presents issues implicated in both for-profit growth ventures and creative social enterprises. It also explores the roles of lawyers and trends in the education of law students to become professionals in fields ranging from valuable counselors to entrepreneurs. Along with a new and original introduction by leading scholars, this essential single volume is an invaluable tool to researchers, academics and entrepreneurs.

Jay Mitra, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development (2011).

Abstract (from Amazon): Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development is unique in that it addresses the central factors in economic development – entrepreneurship, innovation and organizational learning – as regional phenomena.

This definitive text focuses on different types of organizations to illustrate the value of entrepreneurship and innovation both for businesses and for regional development. Establishing a firm link between entrepreneurship, innovation and economic regeneration, the book also examines the factors contributing to their success.

Replete with international case studies, empirical evidence of concepts and practical examples, this is an ideal text to support postgraduate teaching and research related to entrepreneurship, innovation management and regional economic development.

Bill Murphy, The Intelligent Entrepreneur: How Three Harvard Business School Graduates Learned the 10 Rules of Successful Entrepreneurship (2010).

Abstract (from the book jacket): In 1998, three Harvard Business School graduates---two men and one woman---turned down six-figure salaries at big corporations, bet on themselves, and launched their own new companies. By the time they returned to Harvard ten years later, their audacity had paid huge dividends. They'd made many millions of dollars, created hundreds of jobs---and left their mark on the world. Based on dozens of interviews with highly successful entrepreneurs, Harvard Business School professors, and HBS alumni, The Intelligent Entrepreneur tells the compelling and instructive story of how these three young founders developed ideas, assembled teams, built ventures, and achieved their dreams. Over the course of a decade, they learned that starting great companies requires much more than a brilliant idea, good timing, and a ferocious work ethic. Their hard-won insights---distilled into ten key rules---will help anyone become a successful entrepreneur.

H. Holden Thorp & Buck Goldstein, The Entrepreneurial University in the Twenty-First Century (2010).

Abstract:  Topics discussed: (a) the entrepreneurial opportunity; (b) entrepreneurial science; (c) enterprise creation; (d) social entrepreneurship; (e)  multidisciplinary centers; (f) leadership; (g) academic roles; (h) culture and structure; (i) teaching entrepreneurship; (j) accountability, and (k) the new donors and university development.

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